We are Family


We make care packages for at risk children to make them feel loved, to feel a sense of pride and belonging with practical items that encourage a creative outlet, good hygiene and self care. Our goal is to support as many children and organisations as we can in the Manawatu.

Being removed from your home and everything you know can be a traumatic and frightening experience. These Backpacks are carefully constructed with age appropriate items to make each child feel thought of and cared for. Our intention is to offer the child some stability and comfort with something of their own that they are able to touch, read, colour and carry with them wherever they go.

Who it’s targeted to and how they receive it

Our Backpacks are targeted to displaced, vulnerable and at risk children and families living in the Manawatu region, donated to and distributed by social services and shelters in the area.

The backpacks and items

We need suitable items and backpacks that are distributed to age-appropriate groups. See our comprehensive list.

Our Team




Teriria, Founder (Administrator) – My culture and faith have inspired me to help others. Living this experience as a child only motivates me more. When we all make a small contribution, together we can make a difference.

He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.

What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.



Trustee (Financial Systems Analyst)

I understand the loss a child can have when they are taken quickly from their environment. The backpacks give the child a sense of having something that is theirs that no one can take from them.

Ehara taku toa I toa takitahi engari he toa takitini; For the children, their strength is not that of an individual but of the collective.



Trustee (Supervisor)

I support this initiative because I want all children going through any kind of traumatic events knowing they have people in their corner.



Trustee (Public Servant)

I am committed to supporting the aims and aspirations of tamariki, especially those from a disadvantaged position. I absolutely love the Backpack Outreach kaupapa and what it brings to our whānau and communities.

Me mahi tahi tātou mo te oranga o te katoa; We must work together for the wellbeing of all.



Trustee (Teacher)

I have a passion for wanting all children to be cared for and thought about. Through my experience teaching and volunteering, I have seen many children who don’t have all their needs met or are living in undesirable situations, which is heartbreaking especially since becoming a mum. I knew I had to support and help because I could see that Backpack Outreach was making a difference and doing something positive in the lives of so many families.

He Kete Aroha

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